SL Speaking Club

Community of English language learners
About our community

Lifelong learning is the main trend of the 21st century.

It is much easier and more enjoyable to improve English together with those who have the same mindset.

Expand your vocabulary, improve your speaking and listening skills,
develop your communication skills.

Increase fluency and gain confidence when thinking and speaking English.

SL English Club brings people from around the world together.

To join the club you just need to have at least A2 level and be interested in English

SL English Club
Join us to overcome language barriers!
Lifelong learning is the main trend of the 21st century.

It is much easier and more enjoyable to improve English together with those who have the same mindset.

Expand your vocabulary, improve your speaking and listening skills,
develop your communication skills.

Increase fluency and gain confidence when thinking and speaking English.

SL English Club brings people from around the world together.

To join the club you just need to have at least A2 level and be interested in English
Joın us
How it works
Workbooks and trackers to develop useful habits.

Learn something new
every day!
Conversation, vocabulary, grammat clubs, pronunciation workshops.

Practise your skills!

Do yoga, cook, improve your photography skills
in English!
Chats in English and Russian.

Chat in English 24/7 and get answers to your questions quickly!
FAQ and objections
I'm afraid of speaking English
Everybody was, especially for the first time!
And then they made sure that the atmosphere in the club is very relaxing. Every time it gets easier and more enjoyable. Just read the reviews!
My vocabulary is small
We don't know all the words for the Oxford Dictionary. either! If you cannot remember a word, just ask your talk partner to help, and they will definitely do it!
If there are too many people, I will not have a chance to talk
You certainly have a chance to talk as all the questions are discussed in mini-groups of 2-3 people. It also means you'll have a chance to chat to different people at a time.
I'm bad at listening to English
Do not worry that much. Visual presentations with pictures and written questions are really helpful. If something remains unclear, the facilitator or your talk partners will always support you and clarify the question.
Can I just listen?
We recommend to start talking - this our main aim. If really have nothing to add at some particular moment, anyway be proactive and ask your partners questions.
Can I learn English at the club?
You will definitely be able to expand your vocabulary, practise your speaking, listening. communication skills, overcome the language barrier. So, ESC meetings can add up to your regular classes which improve your general level of English.
I still have got a question
We meet online weekly
Join us if you
know English vocabulary and grammar rules but you can't speak fluently
need motivation and support in learning English
have a good level of English and would like to maintain it
want to grow professionally and personally
want to join a community of English language lovers
Club creator and host
Svetlana Lukicheva
English Teacher, material maker, teacher trainer
I've been keen on teaching English for over 15 years. I work online, teach adults, find approach for every single students, create learning environment, support, inspire, lead you to success.
Evgeniya Zalesskaya
Moscow, Russia
The club's sessions are well-structured and duly organized (thanks to the great professionalism of the club's organizer/moderator Svetlana :)

During each session we manage to cover a lot of material related to the topic-of-the-day and discuss a huge variety of corresponding themes.

And what I like most about the club is that it can suit students of very different levels due to a constant change of partners during the session.

I'm very glad that I had an opportunity to join ESC )
Natalia Vidyaeva
Moscow, Russia
English Speaking Club with Sveta Lukicheva is a good opportunity to practice your English regularly, without special preparation and homework.

During the meetings we discuss interesting topics, get new information and learn new words.

But most of all I love ESC because it is a great idea how to spend time with a profit in a good atmosphere with friendly people during the quarantine.

I would recomment it to my friends who want to refresh their English, but cannot find time and opportunity for that.
Vlad Bazurin
Moscow, Russia
I really thank Sveta for her English Speaking Club! That's the nice opportunity to practice and improve my English skills in really friendly community.

The approach to organise the club is useful too, it's based on using Zoom as a platform for meetings.

The things I like most in it is the atmosphere and the opportunity to practise English without leaving home!

Strongly recommended for all who are looking for partners to speak English being home.
Sophia Moshkina
Tver, Russia
The club is the place where you can talk with people about different topics (the variety of which is great).

Other participants can become your friends despite the distance.

Moreover, it is very useful to practice your language skills in a pleasant atmosphere
Nataly Shutova
Yaroslavl, Russia
It's my first experience participating in ESC and I'm happy that I've joined to it.

Due to ESC we break through a language barrier and it also makes the language learning process so much easier and fascinating. Regardless of making mistakes we keep on speak English and try to improve our English language skills.

We're always on positive wave,there is an awful lot of fun because we share various ideas and hilarious stories from our life.

ESC joins people from different countries, but all of us follows the same trigger — Speak English.
Ольга Новикова
Ярославль, Россия
English Speaking Club – это душевное место, где можно отлично провести время с пользой: попрактиковать английский, узнать много нового и интересного.
Светлана - отличный педагог и организатор. Она с любовью и креативностью подходит к подаче своего предмета.

Изучение языка с English Speaking Club –это своего рода игра.

Thanks a lot Svetlana! You're doing a great job!
Михаил Новиков
Тренер по баскетболу
Ярославль, Россия
English speaking club Светланы Лукичевой - это прекрасная возможность практиковать английский язык и изучать его! Каждый раз интересно, весело и полезно! Время пролетает незаметно, и хочется прийти на встречу снова!

К тому же Светлана очень серьезно готовится к каждому "заседанию" клуба, много узнал интересных фактов, слов и "фишек" в английском языке.

Thanks Svetlana for ESC!
Гуля Аккая
Стамбул, Турция
Я начала учить английский язык 3 года назад и боялась разговаривать! В English Club со Светланой я преодолела все страхи и начала говорить.

Хочу добавить все спикеры очень дружелюбные и приятные друзья.

Спасибо Светлане что она меня приняла в эту дружную семью!
Юлия Демина
Писатель, юрист
Москва, Россия
Идея международного разговорного клуба, которую Света воплотила в жизнь - яркое событие непростого 2020 года🔥

Когда мы все оказались запертыми по домам, улыбка Светы и её "Hello, guys!" стали лично для меня лучиком света))
Разнообразные темы для обсуждения, увлекательные задания, лёгкая подача материала, интерактив, ловкое распределение участников по "комнатам" в Zoom - я в восторге!
Два вечера в неделю я ждала наших встреч и ставила напоминалки.
Карантин позади, но встречи продолжаются!
Я очень рада, что Света нас объединила!
Я не только английский изучаю, но и новых друзей в разных уголках мира приобрела 😊

Полина Островецкая
Cтудентка медицинского университета
Москва, Россия
Как здорово, что есть такая возможность - посещать English Speaking Club у Светланы!

Регулярная практика разговорного английского, новые знакомства, интересные темы для общения и море позитива каждый раз!
Занятие всегда продумано до мелочей: картинки, вопросы, ребусы и загадки. Очень очень интересно и полезно!

Спасибо Вам большое!
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